Thursday, August 23, 2007

Proverbs 23

Focus verse: Proverbs 23:17
"Let not your heart envy sinners, but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day."

Meaning: Following the path that the Lord sets before us is far more rewarding than anything this world could offer. To sin is to not follow God's law, and many things that are sinful seem enticing, but they will ultimately lead to destruction. The riches of heaven are infinite while the pleasures of the sinner only last for a short time. It would be fruitless for a man who walks in the ways of the Lord to envy such temporary things.

Application: The pleasures of this world, while not always of a sinful nature, can often lead us astray from God. Sometimes it's hard to have enough foresight to see that such things are not nearly as rewarding or long lasting as what the Lord has in store for us. It can be much easier to just give into what the flesh wants, and crave what we see others having, but it will not give us the best that life has to offer, even though it may seem that way for awhile.

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